
About US

Progsity is an e-learning platform dedicated to teaching competitive programming. Our flagship course, CODING MAESTRO: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques, is designed to guide learners from the basics to advanced programming concepts.
We have a team of experienced instructors from big tech giants like Google, Amazon, Agoda, and more. They bring their industry knowledge and expertise to effectively guide students, answer questions, and provide valuable feedback. Our instructors also offer insights into the industry, helping students develop skills relevant to their career goals.
At Progsity, our vision is to provide not only a solid foundation in programming concepts but also to help learners develop their skills, making them more marketable in the job market. We aim to equip our learners with the knowledge and experience necessary to succeed in their programming careers.

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Victoria Road, Aston, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Post Code: B6 5HL

23/2, Eastern Plaza, Amberkhana, Sylhet, Bangladesh


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